Author: kosso
BreHive RoadTrip
Out and about in Seattle
Citizen Agency at Gnomedex
Meta Meta
Originally uploaded by kosso.
A photo taken while at Gnomedex of Flickr displaying a photo taken by Steve Lacey of my laptop while in Second Life, looking at photos from Gnomedex while sat in the auditorium at Gnomedex. Woo – weiiiiiird.
Even weirder still, i was outside in between sessions chatting to Steve and we were talking about Second Life and he mentioned about someone doing something around the podcaster places in Second Life at a place called the Bluggcast something – I said “Ha! That was ME!”
Me so meta
Preparing for Gnomedex 6.0
Woohoo! Looking forward to heading all the over the Atlantic and the United States to go to Seattle (via SF for a couple of hours) for GNOMEDEX 6.0 ‘A Higher Resolution’ – I wonder how many times SL gets mentioned 😉
Got lots of stuff to get sorted before leaving, including MORE BADGES! Hurrah!
Also, been working hard on getting some cool new stuff to demo to those interested 😉
I’ll be in Seattle from Tuesday evening (tomorrow!) so drop me a line if you wanna meet up for a beer etc: |
Here’s the walk I took when I arrived last year on GEEPSTER! | glitchy
I don't know about the rest of the users of the OPML Editor, but I've been having alot of downtime there recently on my (more active) OPML Blog : 'KOZ'. I'm hoping this is a sign that Dave etc. are working on some improvements and new tools etc for it rather that a sign of things to come. 😉
Maybe it's time to set up my own server?
OK. Well. it was really a virtual tribute band who call themselves ‘U2inSL’, animating over a live U2 performance (legal?) but it was very well done indeed. All the audience had to ‘deprim’ and take off their blinging attachments and cyber-gubbins in order to cater (bandwidthwise) for the 100 or so peak audience there was at the venue.
The U2 avatars for Bono, The Edge and the other two ( ) were very well done and they must have spent a long time creating and orchestrating the animations to go at the right time as the music.
I think we’ll be seing ALOT more of thing kind of live event (with a ‘real’ live event that is). Congratulations to all those involved!
Is it time to start listing the producers of BAD RSS FEEDS? Since working on and parsing the world of RSS out there, it is plain to see that MANY people are doing so many things WRONG!
What really annoys me is that many of these feeds are being created by people who are PAID to do it RIGHT. How did they get the job?
So – should I start listing the offenders (possibly using a forum software presentation – with ‘fixing threads’ ) and set about HELPING these offenders? I think so – as it’s clear that even publishers like the Times Online still can’t get RSS feeds right (on their podcasts) – spot the error.
It looks like lots of new podcasts have spung up – on the ‘me too’ tip, yet the person who stood up and said ‘I can do it!’ and got the gig – can’t – at least not CORRECTLY 😉
Todd Cochrane also chips in on a comment to a post by Nick Bradbury about this topic. Maybe blubrry will have some solutions?
Second Life Third Birthday
I saw signs for this a while ago in world – Also U2 are playing in world on the 25th. But will they be better than the real thing? 😉