Hey Evrehbodeh!! 🙂

Just a quick update. I’ve been busy trying out all sorts of of podcasting and blogging things recently. Having programmed a few content management systems myself, I thought it was time to try a few more 😉 – hey, I even use blogger.com to post here!

So, check out blog.podbat.com for a blog I’m doing using Radio Userland. Seems really easy to use, though has a few bits, bobs and bugs I’d like to change. It’s neat to have everything you need in one place. A place to consume news and blog feeds, and an easy way to publish new stuff, or even the stories and blogs it alerts you to. I haven’t tried posting to it via email yet. But I see that you can. Hmm.. will attachments show up as ‘enclosures‘ I wonder? 🙂 If so.. expect a ‘moCast’ very soon 🙂

Also, I’m trying out Manila over at blugg.opml.org [thx to Dave – I think it was the only way he could stop me asking nagging questions about it 😉 ] Again this is very intuitive, and I’m sure is far more powerful than I know. Maybe I’ll get a book on it. Frontier looks very interesting too. I might find somewhere to install that some day, once I’ve finished a few things off round here.

To stay posted, it’s probably best to subscribe to the blog.podbat.com rss feed. As, I have to tools to keep that moving alot easier now. Thanks to Dave for some enlightenment 😉 I bought Radio. What a sales pitch 😉 Using it.

Also keep tabs on the podbat development. I may start an email list soon for people to sign up to be an alpha tester for my cool podcasting tool. 🙂 – for now, if you fancy a go, mail me at podbat at gmail dot com and I’ll let you try it, once I’ve got it a level I’m happy with – not as easy as you’d think, what with just having evenings to work on it. But I’m getting there. Slowly. 🙂 Any know any good human cloners? 🙂

Later aggregators!