Chief Twit Brings UStream Down

After I saw about 630 viewers on Leo Laporte’s U-Stream of his Tech Guy show it went down. I think the UStream server did pretty well. Apparently the local one will take 1000 concurrent viewers – so now now the ‘server is full’. I hear that there is a backup for this, using a dedicated CDN provider. If you didn’t realise it, much of Chris Pirillo’s U-Stream output from Podcast Hotel has been coming form the dedicated service.

Here’s how it went down.
(BTW: Someone asked Leo to put the keyboard on his head – so he did 😉 )
I’m sure that Brad from U-Stream has more to worry about at this time – I hear a baby is imminent! Good luck with EVERYTHING!!! 🙂

Are Apple and Dell banned from Virgin flights?

I just heard on the latest episode of TWIT that Virgin, Korean Airlines and Quantas are banning Dell and Apple laptops from their flights!!!!!!!!! (Funny that now Dell are an advertiser on the Twit podcast now 😉 )

WTF!!!?? Does anyone else have more info on this? I really did not enjoy having to pack my MacBookPro into my check-in luggage on my last trip to the States.

Please say this is not true (I don’t even think Virgin have a power adapter for the new magnetic MacBookPros)