Blogger Google Data support?

OK. So I have recently been working to support the new Blogger / Google logins to post to Blogger blogs. I was easily able to register my app to remove the warning on the login page, but they offer no support of how to actually ‘sign’ the request to keep them secure.

I have posted to both the Blogger Data API Group and the Google Accounts API Group but it seems like I am dealing with some kind of ‘dark art’.

I think it’s a good idea to make connection for secure for people, but they are about to ‘force’ their bloggers to the new system, yet offer no support on how application developers like myself are to support this new ‘secureness’.

Even the Zend GData framework, which is available does not appear to handle the secure method required. I also cannot use this without upgrading my PHP and installing some more stuff. But there is no need, as PHP and Curl can do the job required just fine.

For those who may be able to help, here are the docs for the signing I am on about. But there’s just not enough info there on how to do it.

When I get this working, I’ll be happy to share how I did it.

Anyone got any ideas? I have the insecure method working fine.


Google Ad(makesno)Sense?

Recently, I decided to it was high time I had a look at Google AdSense. Having never placed advertising on a website before, it was kind of weird, but the Google interface and instructions were very easy to follow.

I have put it on my Second Life blogging system pages at

But, while looking over their system today, I decided to have a look at their AdSense policies page and was rather surprised to see this entry:

“Copyrighted Material

In order to avoid associations with copyright claims, website publishers may not display Google ads on web pages with MP3, Video, News Groups, and Image Results.”

Whaaaa? I’m pretty sure I have seen loads of sites for AV with Google ads on them.

Does anyone out there know more about this? Have I misread it, or are all these people breaking the policy?