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Flickr Unlimited

Flickrhoo! have announced that PRO users will now have unlimited space on my favourite photo sharing site. Nice. Thank you.

Now, can they please fix the log in links (for comments etc) so that those of us (old school users) who paid got honest cash for this service to grow, don’t feel secondary to the Yahoo! (freebie) users who came and took it over!

And no – I don not want to convert my flickr account to a Yahoo! one, thank you.

BlackJack is a Samsung??

Wow. Then I’m not surprised to see that RIM is suing Samsung for calling their new device the ‘BlackJack

I saw the ads for this recently, while over in the States : I thought it was the new BlackBerry! I didn’t even notice the marque, while the phone was being flipped around like a deck of cards.

Well, well, well. It looked nice, that’s for sure.

BlackJack is my favourite Casino game by far.

[ My initials are J.A.C.K and I like to wear black. 😀 ]

Huge Queues at AppleStore London

Word on the street has it that there’s huge queues outside the Apple Store on Regent Steeet. I wonder what they’re queuing for?

Possibly the same as I will have to when I return a LESS THAN TWO WEEK OLD MacBook Pro 17inch currently suffering from random shutdowns.

I was on support for ages. They tell me I have to take it back to the USA where I bought it – isn’t Apple a GLOBAL company yet????!!! For crying out loud!

On the phone we went through some things to try to solve it. Reseating the RAM and resetting the Power Management [PMU] (remove battery and power – hold power button down for over 5 seconds) – but still, it shut down TWICE while we on the phone.

You could almost hear the guy on the other end of the support line sigh when I mentioned the phrase ‘random shutdown’.

Hopefully, when I’m back in Boston in January, they should have a register that I wanted to fix this within the 14days.

My only other option is to send it for repair. Even though it’s LESS THAN 14 DAYS OLD!!

The Well-Formed Web?

With well formed data, there’s no reason why not. 😉

Now, can we please work out the right way to *do* OPML please?


If you want to point to a WEBSITE: use type=link and url=

If you want to point to an RSS feed use type=rss and xmlUrl=htt://

If you want to point to MORE OPML use type=include and url=

OK. So, you could argue that there might be better ways of doing/specifying it.
And what about htmlUrl, opmlUrl, atomUrl, foafUrl, rdfUrl, type=rdf, type=atom, type=application/pdf or whatever… I don’t know. Just DOCUMENT how you do it.

But what I do know is the sooner we agree and what is the right way to ‘do it’ – the better. 😀


Hey! Is my OPML Icon out of date?? :p

Fire Back at The Ranch!

OMG! There’s been a fire in the building where our new offices are in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just up the road from MIT!

We share a floor at the Cambridge Innovation Center with Google among others. (The CIC webserver is down – wowis it hosted there, or just getting lots of traffic?)

One electricity worker, who was working on whatever caused the explosion was killed in the accident.

Our man Justin, who was up on the 11th floor got out OK. I work from home.

3D News with RSS

For Vista, when it comes out, here’s an app/widget from Microsoft called UniveRSS.

UniveRSS is a showcase application that demonstrates the use of several WPF features, 3D animations, data binding, and data visualization. Currently UniveRSS uses the RSS Feed Store managed through Internet Explorer 7. Later versions will allow you to manage the Feed Store from within the UniveRSS application.

It looks very nice and very much the type of thing I envisage in Second Life, when (and if) we get html on a prim surface. With all the available data bindings and communications we have at our disposal there, it should be faily easy to build this in the Metaverse.

Thanks to Dave Winer for the link.


I’ve been meaning to say this for a while. Are there any Flickr users out there who are a bit pissed off that now, when you click to sign in, you have to go to a Yahoo sign-in page, where you have to find the link to the old Flickr sign-in form?

Also, when you want to comment on a photo and sign in to do so, the link used to take you back to the photo you wanted to comment on after logging in. Now, due to this Yahoo! sign-in interstitial, the link back to the photo I wanted to comment on is lost. Very annoying. I paid for this service.

I’ve always been very happy with Flickr, as it gets the pictures I take ‘out there’ as opposed to in the various self-hosted galleries I have set up over the years. They get seen more.

I’d love to know what’s going on inside Yahoo! since the big reshuffle announcements. I also wonder what’s going to happen to Flickr. Have I missed something?

I Am A Robot (And Proud)

While trawling various sources I have at my disposal for tunes to play while sat here coding, I was rather taken by some tracks by ‘I Am A Robot And Proud’ called ‘The Electricity In Your House Wants To Sing’. Nice site too!

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