Augmented Reality Demo

Check out this great demo from the DEMO conference reacently given by t-immersion.

I have seen alot of this stuff when I worked at the BBC and know how they do that – I’d love to know what’s behind this lot. It looks great!

In fact, it’s absolutley great that we can watch the DEMO videos from the conference here too šŸ˜‰

Especially this one from Adobe with Mike Downey (who I met a few years ago to talk about mobile stuff on FlashLite) demonstrating Adobe Apollo looks absolutley great. It has things that Lazlo simply doesn’t (pricetags apart). I’m very excited to think of the apps I could build with this. It’s not far removed from what I have been able to build with Zinc. But this is different. Apollo integrates very nicely on technology we already have at our disposal as web-active people/developers. It works like AJAX and Flash and Flex – and possibly Director. It ‘loves’ data. And boy, have I got a shedload of that šŸ˜‰

Virtual ā€˜3Dā€™ Podcasting Expo

I just read about an expo billed as a ‘Virtual International Podcasting Expo’. The details are here.

When I read this, I thought ‘ooo, in Second Life?’ – but apparently not. The site seems extremely vague about the hows and whatnot of this ‘3-D Virtual Expo’ but looking at one of the pages here, it looks like a web-based habbo hotel-type thing.

They appear to have a pretty good (and long!) lineup of speakers. It will be interesting to see what happens and how it all works.

There could be all sorts of reasons why they do not choose Second Life to do this, but I think they could do it there too, to an extent. I get the feeling it’s jumping on the bandwagon a bit, but if it’s good for podcasting and it helps people learn, then that’s good enough for me. šŸ˜‰