Bye Bye BBC!

Well, after 3 and a half years at ‘Auntie’, it’s time for me to leave! Hurrah!! Last day will be on Friday.

So, now I’ll be able to tell you all veeeery soooon what I’ve been planning and what I’ll be getting up to!

This a good day for so many reasons. πŸ˜‰ It’s time to grab the bull by the horns and CARPE DIEM!!!


Gnomedex06, here I come!!

CIMG1404Got booked up today for Gnomedex06. I can’t flippin’ wait! We had such a great time last year and made such great friends and contacts. It was great meetΒ so many like-minded people so far away from home.Β 


This year promises to just as good for so many reasons as we evolve the amazing platforms enabled by super formats such as RSS and OPML. That’s what OPML plus RSS is : a platform enabler.

Gnomedex is a ‘people aggregator’. It’s time to make more badges/buttons πŸ˜‰

Hey! I also just realised I am in both of the photos from last year that Chris has placed on the Gnomedex page. Cool! Can you spot me? πŸ™‚

Back in Boston

Woooo!!! Gotta looove this town!!

Yes, I’m back in the US of A for a couple of days to try and nail a few things down so can go and tell you all about what’s going on here in the land of kosso.

I was about to build new blog for the secret system, and the damn connectivity here in the hotel seems to be only letting me hit the web, instrad of all the geeky ftp,ssh,database stuff I need. Arghhh!!! (It worked ok last night)

It’s getting very close to me being able to open the kimono/bathrobe on this πŸ™‚

I can’t wait – but I have to.

Damn!! this is HOT HOT HOT!!!!

I really do wonder what Dave Winer will make of all this – as you probably realise its based around OPML and RSS. I hope it makes him feel good when he sees it. Really, I do. Sometimes my brain says one thing, yet my heart says another – you’ll see. πŸ˜‰

Testing the Edge(io)

Hmmm. I am just quiclly trying out the edgeio system.

I have to say their instructions on how to make a post ‘with the tag “listing” ‘ is not clear at all. I also felt this in the early technorati days (and I probably still dont get all the things you can do there either!)

Please please – make it CLEAR!! Show an EXAMPLE – The ‘getting started’ page simply is not enough instruction. maybe I’m being dumb. Who knows? (No, don’t answer that πŸ˜‰ )
So, I’m guessing here but I will try and add a link to the page? Or shall I add a link to the ??? Both?? Aieee…

UPDATE: I found the info buried in the FAQ – this should be more prominent – as the whole system relies on this.

It’s a lovely looking site you have there, Mike and Keith, but more info will be needed for this to fly, I think.

FOR SALE: Small quantity of belly button fluff for testing purposes only. Highly sought after. Like gold dust. Β£10 ono.


Yahoo! Groups OPML reading lists?

I was thinking that I’d ike to see Yahoo! Groups provide a url to an OPML file listing the (public) groups I am subscribed to, along with pointers to the RSS feeds.

Hmm.. maybe there’s an API somewhere that I can build that request, then generate the OPML?

Off to the dev net then….

UPDATE: I see they have a nice BIG List of RSS feeds here too. Now, if they could just have that as an OPML file (which they could update whenever new feeds appear)Β  then we could all keep up to date with new feeds. That would be nice wouldn’t it?

OPML Yahoo! RSS Developers

Protected: Gabriel

God, it’s been a while since I had good listen to Peter Gabriel. From shocking the monkey, through the ‘games’ and far beyond the ‘frontier’, he remains ‘true’.

Good on him. If there’s anything we can do…. y’know it…. πŸ˜‰

Peter Gabriel was one of the best Sunday night at Glastonbury Festival night headliners I have ever, ever experienced. Even through thirteen years of attending the festval on both sides of the backstage fence, it still stands as one of the The Best.

Unfortunately, a friend of mine who was with me then is now dead. But I know that would be pleased to have been brought up in this ‘conversation’. He was a ‘complete star’. A ‘disruptor’ for sure. If he had known blogging, boy, would we have been in the shit. He liked to speak his mind. I miss that.

He really was my best friend for a long time.
I have good times with good people in my life with people who I respect for more than ‘just’ their friendliness. It has more about with how they ‘act’ with you. Are they comfortable? Are they ‘with’ you? Many are.
I’d love to share what I can with you, gentle readers….

All this will be revealed and discussed in the forthcoming Kozcast. πŸ˜‰

Times are a-changing fast. I’ve really gotta document this somehow, without getting into trouble! πŸ˜‰

like… who cares? Well. Me. Obviously. But sometimes, in life, you KNOW it’s time to stick yer neck out.


what nonsense πŸ˜‰ ahhh

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