The Samsung ‘Feed Phone’

I have to say – that post about the RSS-buttoned phone below is now officially the most popular post on my WordPress blog EVER. Previously, it was a post about Saddam being hanged.

So it’s official – RSS is more popular than Saddam! ) Hurrah!

Also, I think it’s funny when people say ‘I cant confirm this’, or ‘this could be a fake’ – I promise you this is not a fake.

I think this was one of the most important things I saw at 3GSM. This was also not the only phone I saw which had a an RSS application – but it was the only one with a dedicated button.

And no – I didn’t see any ‘My Atom’ apps. Or buttons with ‘Atom’ on it.

The only trouble I did see though, was a slight lack of knowledge about what to do with enclosures. And representing, I have offered our assistance ;)

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