Nearly 30,000 ‘blografix’ so far on the blograffiti page. Moved it to a new domain and server. Introducing blugg.
Here are some pix that I’ve done 😉

Phew… busy busy busy….!! There’s so much variety on this! It’s really quite incredible. Trouble is, with so many of the visitors it seems, you give them a pen and paper, and all they want to do is draw willies! It varies alot through the day. The huge amount of bandwidth that it’s taking up is beginning to worry me. And it’s only been online a few days!!! Argh!!

I got blugg to ask people to draw the Wacki Iraqi! This is what they came up with…

One comment

  • Thank you very much for your post, you gave me some missing info i needed for my study

    I have bookmarked your site and hope to see more great stuff coming


    Wilco Breek