Twitter Down!
Wow. Looks like Twitter is having the biggest downtime to date. After a day of it crawling at very low speeds, refreshing on the other machine, it’s now firing in circles. Meaning that a hit to my Twitter seems to be constantly redirecting to itself. Odd. And painful (for the server)!
update: Now it’s “Twitter: down for maintenance—be back shortly!”
I think that the users out there with hundreds (some well over a thousand Friends) (Robert Scoble and Jason Calacanis, for example) are probably causing a huge strain on the databases while calling for updates, depending on their architecture.
It could also be that they are in the process of implementing a group feature. Which should enable a further filter to reduce heavy flow. I’m sure they’ll get it all fixed up soon.
It also means that as it’s down people can get back to blogging! Ha!
It’s a shame that this went down, as I did a quick favour for my friend Bre Pettis from Make: magazine and set up a simple PHP script to grab the latest updates from the Make: Craft: and Hacks: zine blogs and post them to their respective Twitter accounts, which Bre set up after I alerted him that those usernames were still available. 😉
I’ve been trying to track this dang out time for a while now. Thanks for letting me know that I’m not the only one experiencing these outages ;-).
Pingback: Anonymous
nice job with the make accounts.
love the stuff you do! you inspire me all the time.
Awesome scripts!
Is is something you may make available to others by request?