Yay! Validated by C-NET News!

Ha! Wow! Just as I was looking for a bunch of RSS feeds from C-NET to play with, I came across their page listing their feeds and saw they were also linking to an OPML feed of feeds too! The ‘validated’ button they’re using is one I created at Dave’s request, a while ago, when he knocked together the validator (beta) for OPML.org!

Heheh! Kewl.

PS: Attn CNET – there’s an error in your OPML – so, it’s not quite ‘valid’ 😉 You have an ‘xmlUrl’ pointing to a web page for downloads.com – tsk tsk – naughty naughty 😉 If you want to point to a website, use ‘htmlUrl’, Thanks. The validator doesn’t go to check to see if your ‘xmlUrl’ is indeed an XML file.