Mobile Top Level Madness!!!! 1666622444 !!!!

What’s that number? Well, that’s the TEN (count ’em) mobile keyboard button pushes that will be required for simply typing the END of the url!!!!

Who even thinks these things up? At least .WAP was a simple ‘1927’ – let me guess, it wasn’t a european who came up with this .mobi top level domain – they(we)’ve used mobiles for a hell of a lot longer for mobile sites and data access.

I’m sorry, but though I like the idea of a mobile TLD, but to have to hit my keyboard TEN TIMES to type in the just the last past of a mobi url is just ‘3338822255444664022277729999999‘!!!!

News links on this : BBC GigaOM

Turn on – Tune in – POD OFF!

iPiss people offWell, the world is still going completely mad. Not only are Apple trying to own anything that starts with a ‘i’, they are now taking steps to stop products and brands with the lettters POD in it.

“… As set forth below, Apple is concerned that the application for and use of the PROFIT POD mark infringes its trademark rights and dilutes Apple’s famous IPOD brand…

…We believe there is confusing similarity between Apple’s IPOD mark and the PROFIT POD mark. PROFIT POD is a POD-formative mark and incorporates a substantial portion of Apple’s IPOD mark. The products are likewise related. Both devices receive and transmit data and are used with computers, both are used in connection with video games, and both have other similar components. Moreover, it has not gone unnoticed that, like Apple’s IPOD device, the PROFIT POD product is a small, flat, round corned rectangular device with a display screen. In addition to the likelihood of confusion between the products, because Apple’s mark is famous, it is entitled to protection from dilution attributable to the PROFIT POD mark.”

For f*cks sake – what’s the bloody point? It’s idiocy if you ask me. No bloody wonder people have to make up such stupid names without vowels etc to create a new brand! I had to say it – “piss off Apple!”

It reminds me of whem Sun decided to stop all things j-a-v-a, which annoyed me years ago when I owned πŸ™‚

How will this nonsense fare for the likes of, PODshow, PODnet, PODtech etc, etc, etc.

Expect more swearing. πŸ˜‰

I’m the proud owner of an Apple MacBookPro and a MacMini (along with 8 Windows 8 PCs), but now I just remembered why I hate Apple so much. They LOCK YOU IN – they take away your FREEDOM. Sure, they have cute design, but can you build your own Mac? NO! Never. Arse!

When I first met Scoble

It was just over a year ago when I first met the Scobleizer!

And in honour of that, here's the first time I spoke to him. Dave Winer, while in Florida on a beach gave me his cellphone number, so I called it via Skype from London then hooked the three of us up for a goofy chat which we uploaded for a podcast πŸ˜‰ Those were the days :)))

 UPDATE: fixed the mp3 link – was going to the old box

They call it a compliment

I was just in Shaws supermarket, here in Boston, USA buying some snacks and beers for yet another night in the hotel, with my head under the bonnet of, playing with OPML and RSS (to the POWER of USERS) (ahh yes – thrills on a Friday night, eh?) and I was actually asked for ID to prove I was old enough to buy alcohol!!!

I have not been asked for ID since well before i was 18 (which is the age of ‘alconsent’ in the UK). I was regularly the one who had to go into the Off Licence to buy the booze when we were at school. Even then I was rarely checked, even though I was well underage at the time.

FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! Is my ever greying hair and grey-flecked beard not proof enough that I’m over 21??? Jeeeezuuuuuzz!!!!!!