Guba deals with Sony

I just read that Guba signed a deal with Sony Pictures. Hmmm.. good news – I think. But has Sony even heard of Usenet Binaries? The last time I looked at Guba it was a web portal to the world of binary file newsgroups – full of every piece of video and software you could think of. It’s (Usenet) always been like that since the dawn of the net. Now Guba (so-called file sharing service) have Sony sitting at the front door with them, I think Sony will spit out it’s coffee when it finally learns what it actually is they’re sitting on. The net’s oldest and best kept secret – for people who don’t like to pay for things. It taught me the meaning of the word ‘warez’ over a decade ago.

Go to and look up Spiderman, for example (a Sony property) – oooo dear

When I first saw Guba, it pleased me to see more innovation for web-based access to newsgroups (still the BEST posting / comment / threading blog/forum type system there ever was).I did my bit to help get alt.binaries.podcasts set up. I have always seen binary newsgroups as a possible (limited timespan) storage method for podcasters. Free global distribution too!

Usenet is RIPE for OPML and RSS connection!

PHP should be able to access newsgroups via IMAP.